Monday, September 21, 2009

"A Team of Special Musical Gods," Flute Master Class at Central Michigan University

Professor Joanna Cowan White's CMU flute studio.
A team of special musical gods.

Maxim asks students what seems to be a philosophical, even existential question, "What do you imagine when you play this music?"

For Maxim it is a fundamental question each musician should be able to answer.  It is the basis for musicianship.  He says, "Musicians don't just play notes.  We speak with our instruments, like a team of special musical gods.  We have to find something interesting to say, to show our personality in music, to tell the story and show the character of the composition.  Each composer had an idea.  We have to find this idea and express it in our own words.  What we give to our audience is what we understand about the music and what we actually see in the music.  This understanding comes from deep inside our souls, and my understanding is different from your understanding."

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